SportsAid Week 2024
SportsAid Week 2024 is taking place this summer! The charity uses SportsAid Week as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the country’s most talented young athletes and celebrate the incredible work being undertaken by its partners to support the future of British sport!

The #MyMiles Challenge
The #MyMiles Challenge will once again be at the heart of SportsAid Week! The Challenge is inspired by SportsAid athletes who cover around 40 miles in training every week. The Challenge encourages supporters to ‘keep them company’ by undertaking physical activity of their own and sharing on social media to show we are right behind them.
Our Partners
SportsAid Week is an opportunity for partners to highlight their own work. The charity’s supporters will be able to connect to the dedicated theme (to be confirmed soon) through in-person events or other means. It will also open up discussions on the progress being made, as well as the challenges faced, within the sports sector and beyond.


Athlete Stories
SportsAid wants to tell the stories of talented young athletes and their families which haven't been heard before. The charity is able to give a voice to the country’s most exciting young sports stars while finding out more about the support network behind them. SportsAid Week will see the dedicated theme bring these out with a specific focus.